New features of VSVBX VideoSoft Custom Controls Version 3.0 =========================================================== (For specific release information check VERSION.TXT) Overall ======= Optimized speed for loading/unloading your VSVBX in your apps Creates smaller EXE and FRM files Around 20 new features. 15% smaller 50 page manual IndexTab ======= New Properties BackSheets Defines the appearance of the back sheets behind the current tab. Options: 0 - None 1 - Shadow 2 - Sheets TabCaption Sets or retrieve the caption for an individual tab. VSIndexTab1.Caption = "First|Second|Third" debug.print VSIndexTab1.TabCaption(1) Second VSIndexTab1.TabCaption(1) = "New Second" debug.print VSIndexTab1.TabCaption(1) New Second TabsPerPage Determines the number of tabs that should be displayed in the control. If this property is set to 0, the size of each tab is determined by the length of its caption. If is greater than zero, all tabs are DRAWN THE SAME SIZE TabOutLineColor Defines the color to be used for the outline the tabs. Great to customize the 3D appearance. New Settings Two new tab styles: Chamfered corners 3D Chamfered corners Other improvementes: Better appearance with enhanced 3D look Smoother tab scrolling Faster flicker-free redraws Keeps visually the tab order Automatic True Type font converting/matching for side tabs. Elastic Replace all the labels in your form with one elastic. New Properties AccessKey Determines whether the Elastic should show and process access keys. Access keys are created by preceding characters in the Caption with an ampersand (&). BevelChildren Determines whether the Elastic should draw 3-D frames around all its child controls or only around specified types of controls. MaxChildSize Sets or returns the maximum size for the Elastic's child controls. The size is measured in Twips and may correspond to the width or height of the child control, depending on the setting of the AutoSizeChildren property. The maximum size limit only applies to the child controls being resized by the Elastic. If AutoSizeChildren is set to uneven Spacing, for example, only the top child is affected. This property is useful to prevent controls inside an Elastic from spreading too much. Command buttons, for example, are harder to use if they are too far apart from each other. Set this property to 0 disables it. MinChildSize Sets or returns the minimum size for the Elastic's child controls. The size is measured in Twips and may correspond to the width or height of the child control, depending on the setting of the AutoSizeChildren property. The minimum size limit only applies to the child controls being resized by the Elastic. If AutoSizeChildren is set to uneven Spacing, for example, only the top child is affected. This property is useful to prevent controls inside an Elastic from getting too narrow. It may be better, for example, to show only a few command buttons with readable captions than to show all of them truncating the captions. This property can be used in conjunction with the Splitter property to prevent users from making a child control too small. Setting this property to 0 disables it. WordWrap Determines whether the caption text should be automatically broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the control. Return characters will also break the caption. New Settings New AutosizeChildren Options: 5 Elastics Horizontally 6 Elastics Vertically 7 Proportionally The Elastics Horizontally and Elastics Vertically options stretch only other Elastics inside the Elastic and spread all child controls. They can be used to center controls and to form clusters of controls inside an Elastic. Awk New Properties Match Quotes Determines whether the VSAwk parser should regard quote-delimited strings as single fields. This features was added to facilitate parsing of quote and comma-delimited files such as those exported by most database and spreadsheet programs. Double or single quotes are both recognized, but one does not match the other. Unmatched quotes in a line are ignored. PostAt Returns the position of the specified field in the current record. This property was designed to be used with VB's string functions. The first string position is 1. This property is useful when you want to process a field based on its contents rather than on its position. See also the FieldAt property, which performs the reverse function. FileMode Allows scan thru ASCII or binary files. New Settings FS(Field Separator) improved features. Buffer increased from 255 bytes to 64 K.